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Research Design

Research Design

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Working in conjunction with a non-profit agency, Communities In Schools of San Antonio (CIS), we will address the following questions which are organized into four separate studies:

Study 1: Outcomes for Hispanic Mentees and their Mentors

What impact does school-based mentoring have on mentees and mentors? Study one will conduct four tests of outcomes from school-based mentoring: (a) Do mentees in CIS demonstrate greater positive changes in their self esteem, connectedness, and academic success (grades, attendance, and behavioral conduct) than youth who receive other CIS services (e.g., tutoring, counseling) but not mentoring, and (b) how do mentees compare to youth who receive no services at all? (c) Among Hispanic mentees, are same-ethnicity matches more effective? (d) Do mentors’ report positive changes in vocational commitment and social connectedness after mentoring?

Study 2: Mediators — Through What Experiences Does Mentoring Facilitate Change?

Study two tests mediators of change by addressing four questions: (a) What types of mentee experiences predict changes in mentees’ self esteem, connectedness, and academic success (grades, attendance, and behavioral conduct at school). To what degree are the relationships between mentees’ experience and mentee outcomes mediated by the following three factors: (b) whether or not mentors become significant adults in their mentees’ lives, (c) how much mentees feel that they matter to their mentors, and (d) increases in mentees’ experience of social support from adults?

Study 3: How do Characteristics of the Mentors Contribute to Effective Mentoring?

Study three examines the role of mentor characteristics in mentoring outcomes. Specifically, what types of mentor-mentee interactions and mentor motivations predict (a) changes in mentees’ self esteem, connectedness, social support, and academic success (grades, attendance, and behavioral conduct at school); (b) mentors’ significance to their mentees; (c) mentors’ satisfaction with being a mentor; and (c) match longevity?

Study 4: What Other Factors Contribute to Effective and Sustained Mentoring Relationships?

Study four will conduct focus groups and qualitative case studies with mentors and mentees to identify and describe other factors, not otherwise included a priori in the study, that may contribute to sustained mentoring relationships. Specifically, two questions will be examined: (a) what made mentors (or mentees) want to continue spending time with their mentees (or mentors) after their first year together; and (b) what did mentors and mentees most enjoy about their time together and most look forward to doing with each other?

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